30 Day Plank Challenge Day 12 – Side Plank Dips


Oh yes it;s side plank dips today, my favorite! Not really but these are so good for your obliques and your core in general and if you can maintain good form and a good pace they give you a little cardio as well.

Side Plank Dips

Do eight sets with a 30 second hold followed by 10 seconds of rest and you will be feeling that nice soreness that lets you know you’ve had a good workout.

Follow up with your regular workout for today or go on a 20 to 30 minute walk.

Tomorrow the most fun day of the week… Something to look forward to 🙂

Have a fabulous day!



  1. I don’t think I could do this even if I tried.

    • Oh Terry, you’d be surprised! You just need to start slow and build up to it. Set a realistic goal, even if it is just holding your plank for 5 seconds… Do it everyday or even every other day and build up slowly. Before you know it you’ll be holding it for 10 seconds, then 20… 30… 🙂

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