Send our Bees Some Love this Valentine’s Day!

Do you love food? Raw honey? Beautiful fragrant flowers?

Then I need your help to deliver a “Give Bees Some Love” Valentine’s Day card to your local Home Depot and Lowe’s Stores!


A new study co-authored by the Friends of the Earth and Pesticide Research Institute found that seven out of 13 samples of garden plants purchased at top retailers in Washington D.C., the San Francisco Bay Area and Minneapolis contain neurotoxic pesticides known as neonicotinoids.

Neonics, made by Bayer CropScience and Syngenta, are the fastest-growing class of synthetic pesticides. They’re also linked to the mass die-off of honeybees.

Please sign up to deliver a Valentine asking your local Home Depot and Lowe’s stores to “show bees some love” and stop selling bee-killing pesticides and garden plants pre-treated with these pesticides!

You know how committed I am to eating wholesome, organic, nonGMO foods and providing my friends and family with the best I possibly can, and I don’t want any of these bee killing plants anywhere near my loved one.

When you sign the this petition you’ll deliver  the following message to the CEO’s of Home Depot and Lowes:

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Home Depot and Lowe’s: Stop Selling Bee-Killing Garden Plants!

A growing body of science has implicated neonicotinoids (neonics), the world’s most widely used pesticide, as a key factor in recent global bee die-offs. Unfortunately, many of the “bee-friendly” seedlings and plants sold to unsuspecting consumers in your stores have been pre-treated with neonicotinoids at much higher doses than are used on farms, where levels of neonicotinoid use are already raising concerns among beekeepers and scientists.

Because there is no clear labeling to indicate the presence of neonics in nursery plants, customers like me may unknowingly purchase pre-treated “bee-friendly” plants with the intent of providing habitats for bees and other pollinators, but end up causing them harm. Obviously, this situation does not benefit bees, customers like me, or my trust in you as a retailer.

The EU has suspended popular neonics and a majority of the UK’s largest home improvement retailers, including Homebase, B&Q and Wickes, have made public commitments to no longer sell products containing pesticides linked to declining bee populations.

As a concerned customer I ask that you show similar leadership and commit to not sell neonicotinoid pesticides, as well as plants pretreated with these pesticides to protect honey bees and other pollinators essential to our food supply and the environment.

Many heartfelt thanks for joining me in this important effort to save the bees and all the beautiful things they create for us to enjoy!


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