How to Survive the Holidays without Getting Fat!

With Thanksgiving we officially usher in the season of food centered social gatherings. Whether it's a work party, family reunion or a friendly get together with your girls friends, opportunities for sharing in friendship around tantalizing treats abound! And these events feed much more than our tummies... the holidays are filled with warmth, joy and love, and if we allow ourselves to truly … [Read more...]

A Fabulous Start to My 21 Day Fitness Challenge!

I LOVE Monday mornings!!! After a rejuvenating weekend I am ready to jump into the new week and create all sorts of beautiful things... This morning was particularly sweet. I woke up just past 4:30, excited... Today is Day 1 of my Pre-Thanksgiving Scrumptious Body 21 Day Challenge -- 21 days of fun, fitness and fabulous food so we can all greet the holidays with a smile :-) Two … [Read more...]

The Fragile Link Between Sleep and Weight Loss

To say that I was frustrated was an understatement.... I was eating right, drinking about 3 liters of water a day and exercising five to six times a week. Yet no matter what I could not get rid of that sneaky little bulge around my mid-section. I had reached the dreaded plateau! When I shared my concerns with my personal trainer, Hollywood Physique Expert Eric the Trainer,  he asked a … [Read more...]

Fitness Friday – 20 Minute Bikini Body Boot Camp

Welcome to a very special Fitness Friday! If you have been looking for a super effective workout that you can squeeze in every day without stress you are going to LOVE today's special workout brought to you by my sister, Nathalie King, personal trainer extraordinaire and creator of the Bikini Body Boot Camp.  This workout is based on the Tabata principles which, like BURST and HIIT alternates a … [Read more...]

Creating Balance for Health and Happiness

Balance. That elusive state of being we all crave so desperately yet find so hard to achieve. What I've come to understand is that balance is not something that can be found.  It is something we must actively create. Balance is ever changing. What felt right one day may feel completely off balance the next. To enjoy a balanced life we must learn to be fluid yet purposeful. One of the keys to … [Read more...]

Sweating it Out with Gabby Reece and HIGHX

When it comes to fitness Gabby Reece believes that the best kind of workout should be fun as well as challenging and it should be adaptable to each individual's specific needs.  The perfect fitness program is one that can be done by anyone, regardless of age or ability.  That is my belief as well so I was eager to discover her signature workout, HIGHX. HIGHX os a bootcamp like circuit workout … [Read more...]

3 Diet Tips That Can Help Support Your Fitness Goals

Today I am exited to be sharing some healthy diet tips from guest contributor Elaine Rosales. Enjoy! Following a comprehensive and well-rounded workout program is a great way to stay healthy; but keep in mind that it shouldn’t end there. A good portion of the benefits you reap from your fitness plan is acquired not from the workout itself, but from your diet. Your diet can easily make … [Read more...]

Can Gluten Free Really Mean Pain Free?

"Mommy what is wrong with your stomach?" Though my little one giggled at the loud noises my stomach was making, there was nothing funny about this all too common occurrence.  For years I'd come to accept as normal this crazy dance that happened within my gut after every meal. Wasn't this just a normal part of digestion?  Gas... Bloating... Pops and squishes.... Movement so strong it resembled a … [Read more...]

10 Ways To Relax During The Holiday Season

It's here! The busiest time of year for moms everywhere... And yes that means our stress levels tend to reach an all time high. This time of year should be filled with joy and laughter... Love and peace ... Serenity and magic.... Not insanity! This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of UnitedHealthcare. All opinions are 100% mine Here are 10 ways to help you slow down a … [Read more...]

Fitness Friday – Give Your Workout a Break

Why REST should be an important part of your workout plan. When we think about transforming our bodies into a beautiful, sculpted work of art, we tend to focus on two things: workout and meal planning.  And while both of these are indeed important and necessary, we  often forget one of the most important ingredients: REST! Yet REST is crucial for optimum results and should be treated with … [Read more...]