A Fabulous Start to My 21 Day Fitness Challenge!

I LOVE Monday mornings!!! After a rejuvenating weekend I am ready to jump into the new week and create all sorts of beautiful things... This morning was particularly sweet. I woke up just past 4:30, excited... Today is Day 1 of my Pre-Thanksgiving Scrumptious Body 21 Day Challenge -- 21 days of fun, fitness and fabulous food so we can all greet the holidays with a smile :-) Two … [Read more...]

Fitness Friday – Strength Training Basics for Women

Strength training is by far the most effective way to supercharge your weight loss and maximize the returns of those many hours spent on your fitness program. I loved your enthusiastic response to my post last week where I share why I believe every woman should incorporate strength training in her workout routine and am excited about the number of you who are ready to commit to strength … [Read more...]

5 Reasons Women Should Strength Train

"Nice guns lady!" Living in LA where we enjoy hot weather most of the year I get comments like this quite frequently, and always from men. Truth be told there was time I wasn't so sure I liked the attention on my biceps. I felt a little embarrassed and longed for more slender arms.  I felt a little too manly and I did not like that one bit. Those days are long gone though and that type of … [Read more...]

Simple Ways to FitStyle Your Life

We all know that exercise is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but for too many people, exercise is still just something you do. And all too often it is something you do out of obligation... Something that feels like a burden. Exercise requires time... Exercise requires planning... Exercise requires motivation... But what if exercise and fitness simply became a way of … [Read more...]

Scrumptious Tuna Salad

If you love tuna salad but don't want the mayo you are going to love this is a clean and lean option. Bursting with nutrients this easy to make tuna salad  is simply delicious!  Eat all you want without feeling guilty.  Loaded with lean protein and tons of vitamin rich veggies, it makes for a deliciously satisfying meal that's perfect at home or as a picnic meal. This is the kind of salad you can … [Read more...]

The One Thousand Reps Workout

I LOVE Fridays! Fridays are awesome for many reasons and one of my favorites is that I get to train with the fabulous Jill Petterson. Jill has been teaching fitness as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor for more than a decade. She is also a life long learned and always current. So her bag of tricks include tried and true moves and cutting edge techniques. There are three … [Read more...]

BeFit 30 Day Fat Burn Review and Giveaway

Get Ready to #BeFitAllYear! Happy Friday! As promised I am back with a thorough review of the BeFit 30 Day Fat Burn Challenge. As you may recall I was invited to review the BeFit program, including a trio of nutritional products, by the Sweatpink community. The nutritional products were sent to me by BeFit to facilitate this review but all opinions are mine. Since I am not personally looking to … [Read more...]

Fitness Friday – Fast and Furious Ladder Workout

Are you ready for a challenge? Today's workout is going to kick your behind... So get ready to sweat! As you know one of the keys to success with any fitness plan is to change things up so you don't get bored and you keep challenging your muscles. This ladder workout is completely different from the BURST workouts you've come to enjoy with me and I know you are going to love it! The … [Read more...]

The Selfie – A Powerful Health and Fitness Tool

This post is sponsored by United Healthcare. All opinions are my own. The Selfie -- The art of taking a picture of oneself. An art mastered by all three of my daughters, my 8 year old included. An art I begrudgingly adopted when I became a Sweatpink ambassador this past summer. An art I've come to appreciate as a powerful tool in meeting my health and fitness goals. What is a … [Read more...]

Fitness Friday – 20 Minute Bikini Body Boot Camp

Welcome to a very special Fitness Friday! If you have been looking for a super effective workout that you can squeeze in every day without stress you are going to LOVE today's special workout brought to you by my sister, Nathalie King, personal trainer extraordinaire and creator of the Bikini Body Boot Camp.  This workout is based on the Tabata principles which, like BURST and HIIT alternates a … [Read more...]