For years I've been a die hard breakfast advocate but new science on intermittent fasting has me asking, 'Is Breakfast Making You Fat?" I can't remember a time when I didn't eat breakfast. Mom always made sure my siblings and I ate a healthy breakfast before school, complete with fresh squeezed orange juice and a steaming cup of hot cocoa. That first meal of the day was like a gentle hug … [Read more...]
A Fabulous Start to My 21 Day Fitness Challenge!
I LOVE Monday mornings!!! After a rejuvenating weekend I am ready to jump into the new week and create all sorts of beautiful things... This morning was particularly sweet. I woke up just past 4:30, excited... Today is Day 1 of my Pre-Thanksgiving Scrumptious Body 21 Day Challenge -- 21 days of fun, fitness and fabulous food so we can all greet the holidays with a smile :-) Two … [Read more...]
Gentle Care for Urinary Tract Infections
"Mom, my stomach is killing me and I feel like I need to pee all-the-time! I think I have a urinary tract infection... " Judging by the pained expression on my daughter's face I suspected she was right and drove her to our urgent care clinic. The attending physician confirmed her suspicions and gave her an antibiotic along with instructions to take some over the counter pain killers if … [Read more...]
Can Gluten Free Really Mean Pain Free?
"Mommy what is wrong with your stomach?" Though my little one giggled at the loud noises my stomach was making, there was nothing funny about this all too common occurrence. For years I'd come to accept as normal this crazy dance that happened within my gut after every meal. Wasn't this just a normal part of digestion? Gas... Bloating... Pops and squishes.... Movement so strong it resembled a … [Read more...]
Fitness Friday – Give Your Workout a Break
Why REST should be an important part of your workout plan. When we think about transforming our bodies into a beautiful, sculpted work of art, we tend to focus on two things: workout and meal planning. And while both of these are indeed important and necessary, we often forget one of the most important ingredients: REST! Yet REST is crucial for optimum results and should be treated with … [Read more...]
Is Technology Robbing Our Kids of Their Smarts?
The girls have officially been back in school for a week today, though with Labor Day weekend we've been easing back nice and slow and things have been quite manageable so far. With three girls, two of them in High School, we had a full day of meetings last week with teachers and administration to get all the details on what to expect with this current school year. It should come as no … [Read more...]
Fitness Friday – 5 Minutes to Fabulous Abs
Happy Friday and welcome to Fitness Friday! Many of you have been asking me for more fitness tips and I am thrilled to be bringing you this new featured section on Scrumptious Moms. Every Friday I'll be bringing you one of my favorite workouts or tips to keep you fit no matter how jam packed your schedule may be. And what better way to start this series than with a fun, fast and fabulous … [Read more...]
7 Tips to Help Your Child Beat Procrastination
**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Procrastination... That dreaded word that makes us all cringe because we know it's power all too well... And the last thing we want to pass on to our children. In a recent poll of over 350 private tutors, procrastination topped the list as the number one habit … [Read more...]
Don’t Let Your Kids Fall Prey To The Freshman 15!
For the past few years I have seen way too many of my friends' children return from their first year in college a lot heavier than when they left. And though they joke about it's clear there is absolutely nothing funny about it to them. In fact, most of them feel embarrassed, even depressed about it because they left home confident it would never happen to them. The statistic suggest that 1 … [Read more...]
The 7-Day Allergy Makeover – Interview with Dr. Susanne Bennett
My dear friend Dr. Susanne Bennett has just released her brand new book "The 7 day Allergy Makeover" in which she shares a simple 7 step strategy that will have you enjoying life like never before! Dr. Bennett knows all too well what it is like to live in constant fear for your child. In her book she shares her personal struggles raising a baby boy whom, over the course of the first 18 months … [Read more...]