How to Survive the Holidays without Getting Fat!

With Thanksgiving we officially usher in the season of food centered social gatherings. Whether it's a work party, family reunion or a friendly get together with your girls friends, opportunities for sharing in friendship around tantalizing treats abound! And these events feed much more than our tummies... the holidays are filled with warmth, joy and love, and if we allow ourselves to truly … [Read more...]

Fitness Friday – The 30 Seconds Workout

Alright, now that I have your attention let's be real. As much as I'd love to give you a workout you could complete in 30 seconds that would you bring you the results you want, it's just not realistic. Sorry :-( But this is a super fun workout that will get you burning up some serious calories and will tone and strengthen your entire body. This workout earned it's name because you do each … [Read more...]

Fitness Friday – Nutrition for Optimal Recovery

Welcome to another Fitness Friday! Today rather than share a fun workout with you I want to focus on a critical aspect of fitness training  and overall health -- Recovery.  More specifically I want to address post workout nutrition and the role it plays in optimal recovery. When we engage in intense physical activity, as you would during a BURST or HIIT workout for example, we cause a lot of micro … [Read more...]

Can Gluten Free Really Mean Pain Free?

"Mommy what is wrong with your stomach?" Though my little one giggled at the loud noises my stomach was making, there was nothing funny about this all too common occurrence.  For years I'd come to accept as normal this crazy dance that happened within my gut after every meal. Wasn't this just a normal part of digestion?  Gas... Bloating... Pops and squishes.... Movement so strong it resembled a … [Read more...]

30 Day Plank Challenge Day 15 – Crank up the Heat!

Today marks the half way point in our 30 day challenge! Congratulations for sticking with it and making it this far. What a way to kick off your healthy new year! You should be feeling strong and starting to see some nice definition in your abs. This week we crank things up a notch by increasing your hold time to 45 seconds! Yes you CAN do this and totally ROCK it!!! Remember … [Read more...]

30 Day Plank Challenge Day 5 – Side Plank Dips

How are those abs feeling? Nice and tight? On Day 5 of our 30 day challenge we focus on obliques with our Side Plank Dips.  Give it all you've got it's only 5 minutes. As always good form is essential so keep that core engaged throughout the exercise.  Pace yourself in a way that pushes you without knocking you off balance.  You should get a little cardio out of this one as well … [Read more...]

Fitness Friday – 7 Moves to Blast Holiday Fat

The holidays are here and for most of us that means routine goes out the door... It means shopping and parties, lots of parties -- school parties, work parties, parties with friends, with the in-laws... and yes, that tends to mean eating lots of fabulous food, drinking eggnog with Bourbon, dancing the night away and getting little to no sleep! But it doesn't mean you throw all your good work … [Read more...]

Fitness Friday – Give Your Workout a Break

Why REST should be an important part of your workout plan. When we think about transforming our bodies into a beautiful, sculpted work of art, we tend to focus on two things: workout and meal planning.  And while both of these are indeed important and necessary, we  often forget one of the most important ingredients: REST! Yet REST is crucial for optimum results and should be treated with … [Read more...]

Fitness Friday – The Secret to a Highly Effective Workout

Walk into a gym and you are likely to see dozens of High Definition television screens broadcasting a variety of programming to keep everyone in attendance entertained. "Yes!" you might be thinking... "I love having the TV! It keeps me going and keeps my mind off the pain so I can get through this dreaded workout." But here's the problem... Are you happy with the results? Do you feel … [Read more...]

The Truth About GMO’s — Exclusive Interview with OCA Associate Media Director Zack Kaldveer

GMO's are everywhere!  And Moms don't want them there. Although the United States labels genetically modified foods we produced here that are exported to 64 countries where labeling is mandatory, we do not impose labeling within the US.  That's right, US citizens are consuming thousands of products that contain Genetically Modified or Genetically Engineered ingredients without even realizing … [Read more...]