Tell the USDA “No” to co-existence with Monsato!

Hello Scrumptious Moms.

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) wants to know what we think. The agency is seeking public comments (deadline extended to tomorrow,  March 4, 2014) on what it can do to “promote the broad adoption of local, voluntary solutions aimed at facilitating coexistence” between genetically modified crops and organic/non-GMO crops.

Here’s what I have to say: Voluntary solutions? No! Coexistence with Monsanto? Hell no!

Please join me in signing the petition and add your own message before the comment period closes on tomorrow March 4.

It should be a crime for seed companies like Monsanto to release genetically engineered crops into the environment, knowing that they will inevitably contaminate organic/non-GMO crops. Prevention of contamination should be the seed companies’ responsibility. And it should be mandatory.

There are no “voluntary solutions” to the fact that genetically engineered crops will eventually destroy organic/non-GMO crops.

I know how much you treasure being able to choose wholesome, organic, non-GMO foods for your loved ones so please add your voice to this petition, and tell the USDA: No ‘Coexistence’ with Monsanto!

Have a fabulous evening!

Life is Scrumptious, Savor Every Moment!

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