Avoiding Healthcare Cost Surprises with UnitedHealthcare and a chance to Win $500

When your child gets injured, the last thing you want to worry about is whether your healthcare costs will be covered or not. Thankfully, that's something my family has never had to worry about. It's not to say we have not had our fair share of emergency room visits.  With three adventurous daughters I've dealt with more broken bones than I care to count.  In fact there was a time we … [Read more...]

5 Reasons Your Travel Plans should Include Travel Medical Insurance

Gripping the seat on either side of me, I braced myself for the arduous journey ahead. Less than ten feet stood between me and the bathroom yet I doubted my wobbly legs would carry me that far. Beads of sweat covered my forehead. The normally soothing clickety-clack of each passing rail a thunderous clap in my throbbing head. Clenching my jaw I tried to ignore the churning bile in my … [Read more...]

Safeguarding Our Teens’ Emotional Health

I can hardly believe my oldest daughter will be 19 in less than two months! I remember my pregnancy with her like it was yesterday. It was the most exhilarating time in my life. I LOVED being pregnant! Ah the dreams I had for this precious child... Would this baby be a girl or a boy?  Will he or she look like me or my husband?  What would his or her personality be like? As my baby … [Read more...]

What if You Were Rewarded for Not Being Sick?

Wouldn't it be amazing if your health insurance company rewarded you for not  getting sick? What if you earned a bonus every month that you did not come into the doctor's office or buy a prescription? Would you feel more compelled to stay healthy? I'm a firm believer that the best healthcare is preventative care -- doing everything in my power to stay vibrantly healthy and not get sick. … [Read more...]

The Selfie – A Powerful Health and Fitness Tool

This post is sponsored by United Healthcare. All opinions are my own. The Selfie -- The art of taking a picture of oneself. An art mastered by all three of my daughters, my 8 year old included. An art I begrudgingly adopted when I became a Sweatpink ambassador this past summer. An art I've come to appreciate as a powerful tool in meeting my health and fitness goals. What is a … [Read more...]